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SNAP the world as you like it

Julian Bam inspires followers on Snapchat

Fanta is Coke's second biggest brand, but 12- to 19-year-olds have been losing interest in it. How can we reach teenagers who don't want to have anything to do with adults? With a social medial channel that only they understand: Snapchat! In 2016 we activated 8 million Fantas with the bright yellow logo.

A code enabled teens to access the Fanta Snapchat channel where they were surprised to find YouTuber Julian Bam. Julian triggered a wave of creativity under the motto "Snap the world as you like it". In addition to meeting Julian in Snapchat and at digital city lights, Fanta fans could also take part in a sweepstakes to meet him in real life.

The teens celebrated the campaign in their social media channels. The outcome: the number of followers exploded, reaching over 40,000, and the views shot up to 6.6 million. And the best thing was – sales rose by an incredible 5 percent. Bam!



  • Julian Bam takes over the Fanta Snapchat channel

  • Followers climb from 0 to 40,000

  • 6.6 million views

  • Teens celebrate the campaign